Saturday, December 1, 2012

Advent 2012

I love the holiday season.  My holiday celebrations kick off with the Operation Christmas Child collection week and continue through Epiphany.  Some years I can even stretch things through Valentine's Day.  This year our family is older and I'm really excited about the opportunities and freedom that age bring.

A few years ago I purchased an advent calendar at Target.  In the past, I've put a few preplanned activities and a lot of candy in the little doors.  This year I decided I want advent to be all about family time.  I wrote a family-oriented activity on a piece of green paper and placed each activity in a door.   There's no peeking allowed.  Not even Rob knows what to expect each day.  I love a surprise so I'm thrilled with that aspect.  Of course, I'm counting on the fact that up until now no one in my immediate family is interested in my blog.

Here is the list of the activity behind each door:
1 Decorate sugar cookies
2 Buy gifts for a needy child
3 Make hot chocolate floats and read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
4 Game night
5 Make reindeer cookies Watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off
6 Make Grinch punch and watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas  Make reindeer cookies
7 Gaze at winter stars Make Grinch punch and watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas
8 Make gingerbread guys KERC Christmas Party
9 See a play - Sip eggnog and eat cookies Buy food for food pantry
10 Send post cards to cousins
11 Have dinner by candlelight
12 Share stories and a snack by the Christmas tree
13 Celebrate St. Lucia Day with a tea party - Deliver neighbor gifts
14 Cut out paper snowflakes
15 Read O. Henry’s Gift of the Magi
16 Take a long winter’s nap then make breakfast for dinner and eat in pajamas
17 Make candy cane milk shakes
18 Take a drive to look at Christmas lights
19 Holiday Dance Party!
20 Make a popcorn garland
21 Make ornaments for the birds
22 Take a moonlit walk
23 Give someone a gift anonymously
24 Dress up for a special holiday dinner at your own house - Watch "It's a Wonderful Life"
25 Read the Christmas story from The Bible

Many of these are activities that I consider to be traditions.  I love the idea of these traditions becoming part of a daily event that we can all anticipate.  I also love the idea that making a plan for daily family time will give us all a part and ownership of that time and that it might carry over beyond the holiday season.

In addition to these daily activities, we are making a Jesse tree.  I'll tell you more about that in another post.  My plan is to share pictures and commentary about our daily activities and about the Jesse tree.  I hope you enjoy sharing the advent season with us.

Note:  I am editing this list as we go through so you will be able to see what I planned and what we ended up with.  It's always good to be flexible.

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