Sunday, January 3, 2010

Book Review: Stones into Schools by Greg Mortenson

In his second book, the adventure and inspiration of Greg Mortenson and the CAI continue. Mortenson's first book, Three Cups of Tea, introduced us to a man with a mission. The inspiration and results were epic, deserving every bit of the attention and accolade that they have brought to Mortenson and the CAI. The continued productivity and results of the CAI, as presented in Stones into Schools, over the last seven years is remarkable. The fact that this book was completed only months ago makes the impact even greater. The work is far from done and I find myself drawn to being part of the next chapter of world literacy.

Mortenson and CAI's philosophy of starting at the end of the road and focusing on female literacy is as intelligent as it is successful. Empowering the inhabitants of a land struggling to regain themselves is a skill CAI has developed and it serves all well.

I learned much about Pakistan and Afghanistan by reading the book and admit that the perspective presented offers hope and encouragement. I was especially heartened by the cooperation and understanding that this story presented concerning our military presence in this difficult situation.

I look forward to the continued adventures and accomplishments of Mortenson and the CAI.

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