Friday, October 12, 2012

Weekly Recap: October 8-12, 2012

I have a confession to make.  I have totally flaked on history and science for the last two weeks.  I used the excuse that H13 and S10 haven't finished their assigned reading from the last history chapter.  I justified it by telling myself that butchering chickens and canning fruit and vegetables counts as science.

Really I just felt things were busy enough and I didn't want to add to my stress.  Instead, I felt guilty because I feared we were falling farther and farther behind.  In reality I know it won't be a problem to finish what needs to be finished this year but I feel a little relieved now that I've confessed.

Another thing that took a lot of our time this week was our book on cd.  We finished The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings.  Here they are eating pancakes while they listen.

I admit I wasn't sure about the wisdom of listening to this book.  I knew it was a classic but I knew it was a classic in the spirit of Old Yeller, Sounder, and Charlotte's Web.  No good can come of raising a pet deer on a farm.  Thankfully my children were able to predict the inevitable result and weren't caught by surprise.  Would we recommend this book to others?  Absolutely.  It got a thumbs up from all of us with the caution that it's not for really young children.  S10 suggests that younger children listen to some other stories with tragic elements before trying this one.

High: Grammar - I did really well on my test.  It was easy.
Low:  Latin - It was hard.
My favorite thing this week was having dinner with Sharon.  I'm glad I got to see her.

High: History - I've enjoyed reading about the Civil War.  The book I am reading tells about what boys really think of the Civil War and life.  It tells about three boys on the Rebel side and two boys on the Union side.  The book is called The Boys' War by Jim Murphy.
Low: Latin - It is getting even more complicated.

High: Grammar - I am enjoying this week.  I feel like I did a good job.
Low:  Logic - It's long and I don't like it.
I have a new story idea that I'm excited about to use for NaNoWriMo.

High: Finishing The Yearling.  I'm so relieved that the kids really liked the book.  I was worried that I'd never be allowed to pick another book ever again.
Low:  Still feeling unable to get everything I'd like to do done.  I doubt this feeling with ever go away.


  1. Don't be so hard on yourself. Sometimes it is what it is. Tomorrow is another day :)

  2. I feel the same way...too much to do, not enough time. You're doing what you can and it sounds like a lot to me :).

  3. Canning take up so much time! It's the season you're in now. YOu'll much more time to hunker down when it's cold outside. I love the comments everyone made about their week.
