Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Glance Back and a Good Look Forward to 2014

Here is my look forward to 2013 from last January.  It's a pretty extensive and exciting list.  I accomplished a lot of that list including daily time with God, reading 52 books, eating and cooking good food, making my marriage a priority, going on a Disney cruise, and maintaining a debt free lifestyle while increasing savings.

There are also some areas where I didn't quite make my mark.  My bee hives are a wreck.  I didn't accomplish my goal with Operation Christmas Child.  I don't have a working system for jobs, family time or serving others.

Rather than reinventing the wheel, I'm going to revise, edit, adding and subtracting to make a working plan for 2014.  It might also be a great idea to look at this list more than once a year to remind myself of my intentions for the year.

1. continue to spend daily, personal time with God.

2. read at least 52 books.

3. develop a community relations team for Operation Christmas Child by adding one member and one event from each of my target counties.

4. participate in sustained physical activity/exercise at least three times each week.

5. maintain a healthy diet, heavy in fruits, veggies, and healthy choices.

6. continue to provide my family with meals that are healthy and, as much as possible, home made.

7. date my husband and nurture a relationship that will last for another 25+ years.

8. pray with Rob and for Rob daily.

9. create a planned family night each week.

10. enjoy family meals as often as possible.

11.  celebrate Kady's graduation from high school.
13. provide opportunities and encouragement for family time that is physically active.

14. continue to pray for and with my children each day.

15. nurture closer relationships within our family by providing quality time, activities, and opportunity for interaction.

16. provide quality, personally matched education for each of my children.

17. continue to look for the best curriculum and educational opportunities for my children.

18. encourage reading, writing, independent learning, and personal growth in my children.

19. develop a plan for chores, jobs, compensation and cooperation that works for our family.

20. maintain a debt free lifestyle.

21. increase retirement contributions to 15%.

22. continue at current level of charitable giving.

23. continue college savings for all four children.

24. celebrate our 25th anniversary

25. be intentional about sharing time with friends.
26. complete one family act of service each month.

27.  develop five year plan for the farm which includes raising turkeys, chickens, and grapes.

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