Saturday, January 1, 2011

Anticipating 2011

I began this blog one year ago today with the intention to write.  I feel I've done that pretty successfully.  I didn't make 365 entries, I did manage to blog 209 times.  It's a start.  It's a great start, when I think that the year before I hadn't blogged anything, ever.  I wanted to be a writer but never took time to write.  I'm still not really a writer but I do write more regularly.

This year, a new challenge awaits.  We are beginning, hopefully, a new life.  We are taking on a farm.  Assuming, of course, that Wells Fargo approves our loan in the next week.  It's interesting to me that a pre-approval letter only means that you might be able to get a loan not that you will actually get a loan.  It seems like a total waste of time.  I'm wishing I'd realized that pre-approval doesn't guarantee approval a few months ago.   

I'm hoping that the farm will be all that we dream.  I'm hoping it will bring us together as a family.  Since we are now living in two adjoining hotel rooms, it seems pretty certain that we are being brought together.  Perhaps my expectation of togetherness didn't look quite like this but I'll take what I can get.  I'm hoping the farm will give us new learning experiences and opportunities.  I'm hoping that we will become more caring for ourselves, others and the world around us.  I'm  hoping that we will thrive and grow and glorify God in all that we do.

This year hasn't started as expected.  We were supposed to own our farm by now.  We were supposed to be camping there this weekend and meeting the movers with all our things on Monday.  Yesterday, we had to call the movers and have them put our things in storage.  We are praying that it's a short term situation.  While we wait, we'll eat out, explore the area, swim in the pool and spend time together.  In every unexpected situation, I believe we have the option to anticipate good or bad.  We are choosing to anticipate the good and enjoy every blessing that comes our way.  It's not a bad way to live a year. 

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